Siemens DLR2416 LED Display  
Written by AnubisTTP on 2009-11-14  


The DLR2416, manufactured by Siemens, is a pin-compatible drop-in replacement for the DL2416 and HPDL 2416 intelligent displays shown above. Though the DLR2416 has all of the decoding and memory capabilities of the DL2416, it replaces the 17-segment single-digit dies of the DL2416 with 5x7 character matrices constructed of individual dies. This functionally enhanced display allows for the DLR2416's internal character decoder to generate a substantially extended set of characters, including lowercase, accented, and umlaut letters not available in a standard 2416.


Siemens DLR2416 LED
Siemens DLR2416 intelligent LED display.

Siemens DLR 2416 LED Test Fixture
A DLR2416 (and a DL1414) installed in a custom test fixture.

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